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    Главная софт » 2010 » Ноябрь » 21 » Windows 7 xDark™ Deluxe x64 v.3.7 RG (RUS/2010)

    Windows 7 xDark™ Deluxe x64 v.3.7 RG (RUS/2010) скачать бесплатно 2018

    Год выпуска
    : 2010
    Версия: v.3.7
    Издатель: Microsoft
    Автор сборки: xDark RG
    Платформа: x64 (64-bit)
    Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
    Таблэтка: Присутствует
    Размер: 4,7 GB

    Сборка на базе оригинального образа Windows 7 Ultimate x86 от команды xDark™. Из оригинального образа ничего не удалено, были применены твики реестра и отключены некоторые службы для повышения стабильности и быстродействия системы, применён оригинальный стиль оформления по умолчанию xDark™ Deluxe v.3.7. Интегрированы обновления по 8 ноября 2010 года. Русский языковый пакет приложен отдельно, также можно установить русский после обновлений.

    Интегрированные твики:
    * Disable CEIP (Customer Experience Improvement Program):
    The Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program in Windows 7 is a completely voluntary program designed to help Microsoft improve its operating systems over time. This program collects information about computer hardware and how people use Windows 7.
    * Speed up Windows Thumb Time-Delay:
    Windows 7 has provided a cool feature with ability to preview taskbar thumbnails whenever the mouse is hovered on the program icon. However, you may notice that it does have some latency to display the preview after mouse over the icon, Thumb Time-Delay has been improved to avoid this problem.
    * NTFS; Disable 8.3 Names and Last Access:
    NTFS Files systems create file names in 8.3 format. Disabling this option reduces the overhead during the creation of new files or directories.
    * Improve DNS Caching:
    By default Windows also caches erroneous data and this can take space of valid cache items and thus slow down your Internet access. This will tell windows not to cache erroneous DNS data at all.
    * SpeedUp Access to AVI Files:
    Speeds up the access of AVI folders as well as makes the renaming and deletion of AVIs easier.
    * Enable Boot Optimization:
    The Boot Optimization function will automatically defragment boot files and rearrange them so that all boot files are in close proximity to one another.
    * Allocate more Critical Threads to Increase Performance:
    This Option lets Windows create more critical threads for when your system load is high in order to improve your system's performance.
    * Unload DLLS from Memory after Use:
    Remove DLL's from memory after use to free up more resources.
    * Disable Network Redirector File Caching for Workstation Service:
    On network computers, when data is written to a file, it is written to the cache and not immediately flushed to the redirector.
    * Improve Core System Performance:
    This option lets drivers and system code move to disk whenever required as sometimes more physical RAM is requiered to run an application
    * Increase NTFS Performance:
    The time stamp for the last accessed files and folders are updated by Windows and this update may take time.
    * Enable Self-Healing Capability of NTFS File System:
    In earlier version of Windows, NTFS marks the volume "dirty" upon detecting file-system corruption and CHKDSK is required to be run by taking the volume "offline".
    With self-healing NTFS is the new feature of Windows Vista and Windows 7, in which an NTFS worker thread is spawned in the background which performs a localized fix-up of damaged data structures, with only the corrupted files/folders remaining unavailable without locking out the entire volume.
    * Stop Automatic Rebooting of your System after Windows Update:
    Stops automatic rebooting of the system after automatic udpates.
    * Disable User Tracking:
    Prevents the system from tracking the programs users run, the paths they navigate, and the documents they open. Although somewhat helpful, this tracking is a pontetial privacy threat.
    * Show Extensions for Known File Types:
    Enable to display file extensions (e.g. DOC, XLS, EXE) as part of file names. This can help you tell disguised malicious software from normal files. It also increases the performance of Vista folders.
    * Show Hidden Files and Folders:
    This is rarely required for novice users, but is very useful for experienced users as it gives them better control over their computer.
    * Always Show Menus:
    By default Windows Explorer does not display the menu bar.
    * Use Checkboxes to Select Items:
    Adds Checkboxes to file views to make it easier to select several files at once, wich can be useful if it is difficult for you to hold the CTRL key while clicking to select multiple files.
    * UAC disabled... make things work correctly with UAC off...
    User Access Control (UAC) can be a very annoying feature. Allow operations without administrator consent (similar to Windows XP).
    * xDark x86 3.7 RG Tweaks...
    ... and many more...

    xDark Контекстное меню:
    * Add "Take Ownership" to the right-click context menu
    * Add "Open with Notepad" to the right-click context menu
    * All items have an "edit.." on right-click context menu sending to notepad
    * Add "Copy File Names" to Context Menu
    * Add "Copy To/Move To" to the right-click context menu
    * Add "Register/UnRegister Dll" to the right-click context menu
    * Add and associate system files to open with Restorator to the right-click context menu
    * Add "Atributes" -> Toggle Archive Atribute -> Toggle Read Only Atribute -> Toggle Hidden Atribute -> Toggle System Atribute; to the right-click context menu
    * Add "Install" to right-click on Font Files
    * Add "Appearance" to the right-click context menu
    * Add "Media Info" to the right-click context menu
    * Remove unlikely templates from the New menu

    xDark Контекстное меню рабочего стола:
    * Add "Clear Clipboard" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
    * Add "Kill Not Responding Tasks" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
    * Remove "Fonts" from Desktop and Other right-click context menus
    * Add "Show / Hide Hidden Files" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
    * Add "Show / Hide File Extensions" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"
    * Add "Run" to the right-click context menu of "Desktop"

    xDark Контекстное меню компьютера:
    * Add "Command Prompt Here" on the right-click context-menus of Drives, Folders & My Computer
    * Add "Advanced System Properties" to the right click menu of "Computer"
    * Add "Calculator" to the right click menu of "Computer"
    * Add "Control Panel" to the right click menu of "Computer"
    * Add "Device Manager" to the right click menu of "Computer"
    * Add "Control Mode" to the right click menu of "Computer"
    * Add "Notepad" to the right click menu of "Computer"
    * Add "Registry Editor" to the right click menu of "Computer"
    * Add "Task Manager" to the right click menu of "Computer"
    * Add "Services" to the right click menu of "Computer"
    * Add "System Configuration" to the right click menu of "Computer"
    * Add "Add/Remove Programs" to the right click menu of "Computer"
    * Add "Shutdown" to the right click menu of "Computer"

    xDark Специальное контекстное меню:
    * Copy Path
    * Command Prompt
    * Explore Here
    * Batch Rename
    * Search and Replace
    * Sign Files
    * Path Operations
    * Select by Type
    * Mount Path as Virtual Drive
    * iPhone PNGs

    xDark v3.7 Примечания:
    * xDark v3.7 Exclusive Default Theme
    * xDark 4 Seasons Dark Orb Start Button
    * xDark Exclusive Lights In The Dark Systems Sounds Scheme
    * 3 xDark System Cursors
    * xDark HD Exclusive System Icons (Almost All System Icons Are Customized)
    * xDark HD Exclusive Nvidia Top Shell
    * xDark Exclusive GodMode Custom Panel and GodMode Creator
    * xDark HD Exclusive Wallpapers Set
    * xDark HD Exclusive Dark Surrealism User Account Pictures
    * xDark Exlusive Integrated Shell On Top
    * xDark Exclusive Lights In The Dark Edition Branding
    * Hard Disk Changes to xDark HDD Default
    * xDark Unwelcome Center
    * xDark Gadget Gallery + Extra Black Gadgtes
    * xDark Context Menu & Folder Menu
    * xDark Network & Internet Optimized
    * Super xDark Administrator
    * AutoLogon & Boot Optimization
    * xDark Power Tools
    * xDark Installer Integrated
    * xDark HD Graphics & 3D Experience
    * and much more...

    Контрольные суммы:
    * CRC32: C0672195
    * MD5: 0E35CB6AB95FBA88A97FD7DCDD8E9540
    * SHA-1: 24060AA8765ECCE2995E9C2C8EA7E88D784DF2C8

    Системные требоания:
    32-разрядный (x86) или 64-разрядный (х64) процессор с тактовой частотой 1 ГГц.
    1 ГБ оперативной памяти.
    Поддержка интерфейса DirectX 9 с драйвером WDDM, не менее 128 МБ видеопамяти, функция Pixel Shader 2.0 и цветность 32 бит/пиксел.
    Жесткий диск емкостью 40 Гб с 16 Гб свободного дискового пространства.
    Дисковод для DVD-дисков.
    Доступ в Интернет

    Windows 7 xDark™ Deluxe x64 v.3.7 RG (RUS/2010) Windows 7 xDark™ Deluxe x64 v.3.7 RG (RUS/2010)

    Одним файлом с Letitbit.net:

    Одним файлом с Vip-file.com

    Одним файлом с Shareflare.net

    Категория: OS / windows скачать | Просмотров: 765 | Добавил: Забанненый | Теги: X64, Deluxe, Windows, xDark™, rg, v.3.7, (RUS/2010) | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 0
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